Post by rubina9898 on Dec 31, 2023 5:02:55 GMT
Reimbursed must be greater than and for a period of no less than months. Deadline for requesting a refund of VAT paid in September . Until June Payment of IUC for vehicles wor entities under the IRS. Until June Request for extension of deadline for submission of model declaration IRS annexes double taxation For income from foreign sources where there is a tax credit for double taxation. Until June Submission of Model IRS declaration foreign income Request to extend the deadline for submitting IRS model for income from foreign sources in which there is a tax Phone Number List credit for double taxation. Until June Delivery of Model IRS declaration Employers who create or apply option plans subscription or allocation of shares for the benefit of workers or members of corporate bodies. In June and until July Delivery of IES annual declaration of Simplified Business Information Decree Law no. Until September th Request for a refund of VAT paid in another member state or paid in Portugal by a person from a third country in the calendar year itself. Deadline for requesting a refund of VAT paid in . Relative to VAT payments made in the previous year. Period never less than months or more than one year after payment of VAT. Decree Law of August th Art. Until October st Post the Holiday Map between May st and October st.